Faith No More wznawia debiut

Faith No More
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Grupa Faith No More zapowiedziała reedycję debiutanckiej płyty.

Mowa o albumie “We Care A Lot” z 1985 roku. Wznowienie ukaże się 19 sierpnia.

Dzieło wzbogacone zostanie o dodatkowe utwory, w tym dema i wersje koncertowe.

– Jest kilka powodów, dla których zdecydowaliśmy się przygotować tę reedycję – wyjaśnia basista Bill Gould.

– Po pierwsze, minęło 20 lat od wydania. Po drugie, kiedy robiłem porządek w piwnicy, znalazłem stare, oryginalne taśmy i pomyśleliśmy, że fajnie byłoby przypomnieć “We Care a Lot”.

Oto tracklista:
“We Care A Lot”
“The Jungle”
“Mark Bowen”
“Why Do You Bother”
“Pills for Breakfast”
“As The Worm Turns”
“Arabian Disco”
“New Beginnings”
“We Care A Lot” (2016 Mix)
“Pills for Breakfast” (2016 Mix)
“As The Worm Turns” (2016 Mix)
“Greed” (Original Demo)
“Mark Bowen” (Original Demo)
“Arabian Disco” (Original Demo)
“Intro” (Original Demo)
“The Jungle” (I-Beam, SF, 1986)
“New Beginnings” (I-Beam, SF, 1986)

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Ostatni album kapeli, “Sol Invictus”, pochodzi z maja 2015 roku.

Tekst piosenki
Faith No More – We Care A Lot

We care a lot about disasters, fires, floods and killer bees
We care a lot about the NASA shuttle falling in the sea
We care a lot about starvation and the food that Live Aid bought
We care a lot about disease, baby Rock, Hudson, rock, yeah!

We care a lot about the gamblers and the pushers and the geeks
We care a lot about the crack and smack and whack that hits the street
We care a lot about the welfare of all the boys and girls
We care a lot about you people cause we’re out to save the world

And it’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it

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We care a lot about the army navy air force and marines
We care a lot about the SF, NY and LAPD
We care a lot about you people, about your guns
about the wars you’re fighting gee that looks like fun

We care a lot about the Garbage Pail Kids, they never lie
We care a lot about Transformers cause there’s more than meets the eye

We care a lot about the little things, the bigger things we top
We care a lot about you people yeah you bet we care a lot,
Well, its a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it
And it’s a dirty song but someone’s gotta sing it


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