MUZOTAKTPłyty muzycznePremiera albumu"Oh My My" nowy album OneRepublic już w sklepach!

“Oh My My” nowy album OneRepublic już w sklepach!

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„Oh My My” to czwarty album w dyskografii amerykańskiej grupy.

Nowy album OneRepublic promują utwory „Wherever I Go” oraz najnowszy singiel „Kids”. Nagrania miały miejsce w Tokyo i Mexico City. W Meksyku powstał też teledysk do “Kids”.


Poprzedni album OneRepublic – „Native” zadebiutował na 4. miejscu Billboard Top 200. Płyta zawierała takie hity jak „If I Lose Myself”, „Feel Again”, „Love Runs Out” oraz „Counting Stars”. Ten ostatni tarfił na #1 sprzedaży w iTunse aż 54 krajach. W samym tylko USA zostało sprzedanych ponad 10 milionów downloadów „Counting Stars”!

Lider zespołu – Ryan Tedder oprócz tworzenia muzyki OneRepublic znany jest też jako kompozytor odpowiedzialny za przeboje takich gwiazd jak Beyonce (Halo), Leona Lewis (Bleeding Love), Adele (Rumour Has It, Turning Tables, Remedy), Maroon 5 (Love Somebody), Gym Class Heroes (The Fighter).

Materiały promocyjne partnera

Jest też wziętym producentem i do tej pory współpracował z Taylor Swift, Leona Lewis, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Adele, Maroon 5, Ariana Grande, Ellie Goulding a nawet U2.


Tekst piosenki
OneRepublic – Kids

[Verse 1]
Days when
We’d fight, we’d fight ’til I would give in
Yeah, perfect disasters
We were reaching, reaching for the rafters

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And on most of the days we were searching for ways
To get up and get out of the town that we were raised, yeah, Cause we were done
I remember, we were sleeping in cars
We were searching for OZ
We were burning cigars
With white plastics tips ’til we saw the sun
And we said crazy things like
I refuse to look back thinking days were better
Just because they’re younger days
I don’t know what’s ’round the corner
Way I feel right now I swear we’ll never change
Back when we were kids
Swore we would never die
You and me were kids
Swear that we’ll never die

[Verse 2]
Lights down
And we drive and we’re drivin’ just to get out
Yeah, perfect disasters
Yeah we were swinging, swinging from the rafters

Hey, we were dancing in cars
We were looking for ours
We were naming the stars
After people we knew ’til we had to go
And we were saying things like

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I refuse to look back thinking days were better
Just because they’re younger days
I don’t know what’s ’round the corner
Way I feel right now I swear we’ll never change
Back when we were kids
Swore we would never die
You and me were kids
Swear that we’ll never die

Nights when we kept dancing
Changing all our plans and
Making every day a holiday
Feel the years start burning
City lights they’re turning
Something ’bout this feels the same

Back when we were kids
Swore we would never die
You and me were kids
Swear that we’ll never die
I refuse to look back thinking days were better
Just because they’re younger days
I don’t know what’s ’round the corner
Way I feel right now I swear we’ll never change

You and me were kids

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