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Grupa Lush w 2015 roku wznowiła działalność po wieloletniej przerwie. W ramach trasy po letnich festiwalach w tym roku pojawiła się na OFF-ie w Katowicach (5-7 sierpnia).
Zespół nagrał trzy długogrające dzieła “Spooky” (1992), “Split” (1994) i “Lovelife” (1996).
Tekst piosenki
Lush – Out of control
Don’t cry, darling
Let’s try to make up
Please don’t push me
I’m over the top
Drown my sorrows
You’ve just got to stop
I’ll say sorry
If you let it drop
Can’t understand
Why you won’t take my hand
Out of control
And you hurt me so much
Feeling I’m falling
No hope and no warning
Out of control
But I love you so much
Don’t say sorry
It’s not what you mean
I can’t help you
If that’s how you feel
I see the storm gathering ’round
Dark clouds that block out the light
Cries in the wind
As the night break begins
Out of control cos
You hurt me so much
Tears from the rain
And the storm cannot wane
Out of control
But I love you so much
Words are still stinging
My eardrums are ringing
All that I want
Is the joy of your touch
Breaking our hearts
As our worlds fall apart
Out of control
And I love you so much
Hold me, darling
I don’t want to fight
Too far, too close
I can’t get it right
I won’t ask you to reign it in now
Change has already begun
I’m feeling I’m falling
The future is calling
Out of control cos
You’re in such a rush
The swinger, the saint well
It’s all an adventure
Out of control
And I love you so much
Seasons are changing
The world’s rearranging
All that I want is
The joy of your touch
Twisting together
Our blood is forever
Out of control
And I love you so much