fot. materiały prasowe (c) Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone
Alicia Keys zaprezentowała kolejne nagranie z nadchodzącej płyty “Here”. Longplay ukaże się w listopadzie.
Po numerach “Blended Family (What You Do For Love)” i “In Common”, artystka opublikowała numer “Holy War”. Piosenki można posłuchać poniżej.
Alicii Keys sukces przyniósł już pierwszy utwór “Fallin'”. Od tej pory gwiazda wydała pięć płyt, zdobyła 15 nagród Grammy, sprzedała 35 milionów albumów i 30 milionów singli na całym świecie.
Była pierwszą kobietą, której wydawnictwo z serii “MTV Unplugged” zadebiutowało na szczycie notowania Billboardu.
Dorobek Amerykanki zamyka na razie longplay “Girl On Fire” z listopada 2012 roku.
Tekst piosenki
Alicia Keys – Holy War
If war is holy and sex is obscene,
We’ve got it twisted in this lucid dream,
Baptized in boundaries, schooled in sin,
Divided by difference, sexuality and skin.
Oh so we can hate each other and fear each other,
We can build these walls between each other,
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick,
Keep yourself locked in, yourself locked in.
Yeah we can hate each other and fear each other,
We can build these walls between each other,
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick,
Keep yourself locked in, yourself locked.
Oh maybe we should love somebody,
Oh maybe we could care a little more,
So maybe we should love somebody,
Instead of polishing the bombs of holy war.
What if sex was holy and war was obscene,
And it wasn’t twisted, what a wonderful dream,
Living for love, unafraid of the end,
Forgiveness is the only real revenge.
Oh so we can heal each other and fill each other,
We can break these walls between each other,
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick,
Keep yourself open, yourself open.
Yeah we can heal each other and fill each other,
We can break these walls between each other,
Baby, blow by blow and brick by brick,
Keep yourself open, you’re open.
So maybe we should love somebody,
Maybe we could care a little more,
So maybe we should love somebody,
Instead of polishing the bombs of holy war.
What if love is holy and hate obscene,
We should give life to this beautiful dream,
Cause peace and love ain’t so far,
If we nurse our wounds before they scar,
Nurse our wounds before they scar.