Kelly Clarkson (fot. materiały prasowe) (c) Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone
Będzie to pierwszy longplay Kelly Clarkson odkąd podpisała nowy kontrakt z Atlantic Records.
Gwiazda zamierza zerwać z pop-rockową stylistyką, do której przyzwyczaiła fanów i spróbować odnaleźć się w bardziej zorientowanych na soul i urban piosenkach.
– Myślę, że ludzie tego właśnie oczekiwali ode mnie, kiedy oglądali mnie w “Idolu” – mówi artystka.
– Śpiewałam te wszystkie Arethy (Franklin), uwielbiam Tinę Turner, Mariah Carey i Whitney Houston. Słuchałam R&B w liceum.
Wokalistka dodała, że pierwszego singla należy spodziewać się w kwietniu, a całego albumu w czerwcu 2017 roku.
Kelly Clarkson sprzedała 25 milionów albumów i 36 milionów singli na całym świecie. Jej największe przeboje to “Before Your Love” / “A Moment Like This”, “Since U Been Gone”, “My Life Would Suck Without You” i “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)”.
Ostatni longplay 34-latki to “Piece by Piece”. Krążek miał premierę w marcu 2015 roku.
Tekst piosenki
Kelly Clarkson – Piece by Piece
And all I remember is your back
Walking towards the airport leaving us all in your past
I traveled 1500 miles to see you
I begged you to want me
but you didn’t want to
But piece by piece he collected me
Up off the ground but you abandoned things
And piece by piece he filled the holes that you burned in me
At six years old and no
He never walks away, he never asks for money
He takes care of me, he loves me
Piece by piece he restored my faith
That a man can be kind
and a father could stay
And all of your words fall flat
I made something of myself and now you wanna come back
But your love isn’t free
It has to be earned
Back then I didn’t have anything you needed
So I was worthless
But piece by piece he collected me
Up off the ground but you abandoned things
And piece by piece he filled the holes that you burned in me
At six years old and no
He never walks away, he never asks for money
He takes care of me, he loves me
Piece by piece he restored my faith
That a man can be kind
and a father could stay
Piece by piece… x6
Piece by piece I fell far from the tree
I would never leave her like you left me
She will never have to wonder her worth
Because unlike you I’m gonna put her first
He’ll never walk away, He’ll never break her heart
He’ll take care of things, He’ll love her
Piece by piece, he restored my faith
That a man can be kind
And a father should be great