MUZOTAKTNEWSYGwiazdyFergie jeździ kabrioletem, tapla się w oceanie i reklamuje błyszczyki

Fergie jeździ kabrioletem, tapla się w oceanie i reklamuje błyszczyki

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Fergie opublikowała nowy teledysk, który częściowo sfinansowała, lokując w nim marki pewnych produktów.

Klip z elementami reklamy powstał do nagrania “Life Goes On”. W wideo widzimy wokalistkę wybierającą się nad ocean, gdzie ostatecznie bierze udział w ognisku na plaży. W międzyczasie widzimy mało subtelne promowanie błyszczyka, słuchawek, serwisu muzycznego i piwa.


“Life Goes On” i wcześniejszy singel “M.I.L.F. $” poprzedzają nadchodzący album gwiazdy The Black Eyed Peas, “Double Dutchess”. Krążka należy spodziewać się niedługo po Nowym Roku.

Fergie znana jest przede wszystkim z zespołu The Black Eyed Peas, do którego dołączyła w 2001 roku. Z hiphopową grupą wylansowała przeboje “Shut Up”, “My Humps”, “Boom Boom Pow”, “I Gotta Feeling” czy “Imma Be”. Na koncie ma 8 statuetek Grammy i 4 multiplatynowe albumy wydane z The Black Eyed Peas.

Materiały promocyjne partnera

Jedyny solowy longplay Amerykanki, “The Duchess”, pochodzi z września 2006 roku. Dyskografię gwiazdy z zespołem The Black Eyed Peas zamyka “The Beginning” z listopada 2010 roku.


Tekst piosenki
Fergie – Life Goes On
Mmm, da-da-da-da-da-da-da
Every day when I wake up
Tryna read my fortune on the bottom of my coffee cup
But it seems like I never finish
It’s always half full (or is it half empty?)
Maybe it’s my own superstition or a kind of self protection
If it all looks bad, why would I wanna look ahead?
Oh, oh, oh, still sittin’ here
Just watching the sun go down, (down), down, (down), down
Life goes on with or without you
It’s up to you what you’re gonna do
You could go or you could stay
Who cares anyway?
Life goes on with or without you
Damn it baby, what you’re gonna do?
You could go or you could stay
But who cares anyway?
(Haha yeah, who really cares?)
Every conversation gets me high on motivation
Gets me craving of your own familiar situation (yeah)
Reach the unreachable, achieve the unbelievable
In the midst of all the madness (remember life’s beautiful)
Still I’m feeling restless, thinking I should rest less
Work more, play hard, ready for the encore
Is this the kinda life I really wanna live for? (two times)
In my heart I know, less is more (more)
More (more), more, more, more
Life goes on with or without you
It’s up to you what you’re gonna do
You could go or you could stay
Who cares anyway?
Life goes on with or without you
Damn it baby, what you’re gonna do?
You could go or you could stay
But who cares anyway?
It’s time to take this out of my hands
Is it all gonna be worth it in the end?
‘Cause it’s safe here in my comfort zone
Never stray too far from home (yeah, yeah, yeah)
But then again this way I’ll never know, never know
Maybe I should go…
Go crazy, go insane, go for everything
Get the money, dollar bills in your wallet, say ka-ching
Sign the dealy, make a mili, sound famili?
The urgency is sounding the drilly for the ma-milli
And then they really talk in Braille, actin’ chilly
They got me feelin’ like an achilles, silly, silly, I mean, really?
Really, really? Really really though?
Really, really, really though?
Feel the vibration of the higher ground
Love always leads to the highest sound
Many conversations, people makin’ speculations
As to my procrastination due to my revelations
And then they get fugazi
You call yourself a rider
You need to speed your loyalty up like Bugatti
Baby don’t underestimate my underdog mentality
We ’bout to race ahead, ambition on Ferrari
Life goes on with or without you
It’s up to you what you’re gonna do
You could go or you could stay
Who cares anyway?
Life goes on with or without you
Damn it baby, what you’re gonna do?
You could go or you could stay
But who cares anyway?
Who cares anyway?
You could go or you could stay
Mmm, mmm
You could go, you could stay


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