MUZOTAKTMUZYKANowy singielThe Killers: Posłuchaj nowego singla "Run for Cover"

The Killers: Posłuchaj nowego singla “Run for Cover”

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Pop-rockowa formacja The Killers zaprezentowała nową piosenkę z nadchodzącej płyty “Wonderful, Wonderful”.

Do sieci trafiło nowe nagranie The Killers pt. “Run for Cover”. Fani już wcześniej mieli okazji usłyszeć piosenkę na żywo. Teraz na Spotifyu można znaleźć wersję studyjną.


Album “Wonderful, Wonderful” ukaże się 22 września. Materiał powstawał w Las Vegas, San Diego, Los Angeles i Joshua Tree z producentem Jacknife’em Lee (U2, R.E.M., Editors). Nad brzmieniem czuwał też Stuart Price (Madonna, The Killers).

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Materiały promocyjne partnera

Oto lista piosenek nowego albumu The Killers:

1. Wonderful Wonderful
2. The Man
3. Rut
4. Life to Come
5. Run for Cover
6. Tyson vs. Douglas
7. Some Kind of Love
8. Out of My Mind
9. The Calling
10. Have All the Songs Been Written

The Killers to jeden z najpopularniejszych rockowych zespołów. Na całym świecie sprzedali 22 miliony płyt. Wśród przebojów Amerykanów znajdują się “Mr. Brightside”, “When You Were Young”, “Human” czy “Somebody Told Me”.

Dyskografię formacji zamyka album “Battle Born” z 2012 roku. W listopadzie 2013 roku do sklepów trafiła składanka “Direct Hits”.


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Tekst piosenki
The Killers – Run for cover
[Verse 1]
What have you gathered to report to your progenitors?
Are your excuses any better than your senator’s?
He held a conference and his wife was standing by his side
He did her dirty but no-one died
[Pre-Chorus 1]
I saw Sonny Liston on the street last night
Black-fisted and strong singing Redemption Song
He motioned me to the sky
I heard heaven and thunder cry
Run for cover
Run while you can, baby, don’t look back
You gotta run for cover
Don’t be afraid of the fear, that’s a played out trap, man
You know you’re not the only one
And don’t look back, just run for cover
[Verse 2]
What are you waiting for, a kiss or an apology?
You think by now you’d have an A in toxicology
It’s hard to pack the car when all you do is shame us
It’s even harder when the dirtbag’s famous
[Pre-Chorus 2]
I saw my mother on the street last night
All pretty and strong, singing ‘the road is long’
I said ‘Momma I know you’ve tried’
But she fell on her knees and cried
Run for cover
Run while you can, baby, don’t look back
You gotta run for cover
Don’t be afraid of the fear, that’s a played out trap, man
I know you’re not the only one
And don’t look back, just run for cover
And there was nothing she wouldn’t give
Just to trust him with her nightmares, with her dreams
She’s running, she’s running
Just to trust him
He got a big smile, he’s fake news
Just run for cover, you’ve got nothing left to lose
Run for cover
Run while you can, baby, don’t look back
You gotta run for cover
Don’t be afraid of the fear, that’s a played out trap, man
You know you’re not the only one
And don’t look back, just run for cover
Run for cover

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