Największe gwiazdy nagrały wspólnie singiel “Earth” z okazji Dnia Ziemi: Lil Dicky, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran. Ideą ponad siedmiominutowego animowanego i dość dowcipnego klipu jest zwrócenie uwagi na ocieplenie klimatu i inne zagrożenia środowiska naturalnego.
Prawdziwie szalona grupa gwiazd! To niesamowity kawałek z bardzo ważnym przesłaniem. Czy ocali naszą planetę?! „W dzisiejszych czasach to tak, jakbyśmy nie wiedzieli, jak działać” – śpiewają artyści. Posłuchajcie sami i oceńcie.
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Teledysk do piosenki w kilka godzin został odtworzony ponad 5 mln razy na Youtubie. W klipie pojawili się Ariana Grande jako zebra, Justin Bieber jako pawian czy Snoop Dogg jako… krzak marihuany.
Poza tym w animacji można usłyszeć głosy Halsey, Zaca Browna, Brendona Urie, Hailee Steinfeld, Wiza Khalify, Kevina Harta, Adama Levine’a, Shawna Mendesa, Charliego Putha, Sii, Miley Cyrus, Lil Jona, Rity Ora, Miguela, Katy Perry, Lil Yachty’ego, Eda Sheerana, Meghan Trainor, Joela Embiida, Johna Legenda oraz Backstreet Boys, Bad Bunny’ego, Psy i Krisa Wu.
Cały dochód ze sprzedaży singla trafi do fundacji Leonardo DiCaprio, która walczy ze środowiskiem naszej planety.
▸ Przeczytaj również: Jennifer Lopez i Cardi B rozbierają się! (WIDEO)
Intro: Lil Dicky]
What up world? It’s your boy, just one of the guys down here
Well, I could be more specific
Uh, I’m a human, and I just wanted to for the sake of all of earthlings out there
Just wanted to say
We love the Earth, it is our planet
We love the Earth, it is our home
We love the Earth, it is our planet
We love the Earth, it is our home
[Justin Bieber]
Hi, I’m a baboon
I’m like a man, just less advanced and my anus is huge
[Ariana Grande]
Hey, I’m a zebra
No one knows what I do, but I look pretty cool
Am I white or black?
I’m a lion cub, and I’m always getting licked
[Zac Brown]
How’s it going? I’m a cow. Moo!
You drink milk from my t—s
[Brendon Urie]
I’m a fat f—ing pig
[Hailee Steinfeld]
I’m a common fungus
[Wiz Khalifa]
I’m a disgruntled skunk, shoot you out my butthole
[Snoop Dogg]
I’m a marijuana plant, I can get you f—ed up
[Kevin Hart]
And I’m Kanye West
We love the Earth, it is our planet
We love the Earth, it is our home
We love the Earth, it is our planet
We love the Earth, it is our home
[Adam Levine]
Ba-dum-da-dum-dum, ba-dum-da-di
We are the vultures, feed on the dead
[Shawn Mendes]
We’re just some rhinos, horny as heck
[Charlie Puth]
I’m just a giraffe, wants with his neck
Hippity-hop, I’m a kangaroo
I hop up there, up and down for you
[Miley Cyrus]
I’m an elephant, I got junk in my trunk
[Lil Jon]
What the f—? I’m a clam!
[Rita Ora]
I’m a wolf. Howl!
I’m a squirrel, lookin’ for my next nut
[Katy Perry]
And I’m a pony, just a freak horse
But c’mon get on, giddee-up, let’s ride
[Lil Yachty]
I’m HPV, don’t let me in
[Ed Sheeran]
I’m a koala and I sleep all the time
So what? It’s cute
We love you, India
We love you, Africa
We love the Chinese
We forgive you, Germany
Earth, it is our planet (It’s our planet)
We love the Earth (We love the Earth), it is our home
We love the Earth, it is our planet (It is our planet)
We love the Earth, it is our home
We love the Earth
[Verse: Lil Dicky]
I’m a man (Hello?)
Can you hear me? (Anyone out there? Hello?)
I’ve trudged the Earth for so damn long
And still don’t know s— (What’s going on?)
I hope it’s not a simulation
Give each other names like Ahmed and Pedro
Yeah, we like to wear clothes, girls still look beautiful
And it covers up our human d—, eat a lot of tuna fish
But these days it’s like we don’t know how to act
All these shootings, pollution, we under attack on ourselves
Like, let’s all just chill, respect what we built
Like look at the internet! It’s cracking as hell
Fellas, don’t you love the c— when you have sex?
And I heard women orgasms are better than our d—s
So what we got this land for? What we gotta stand for?
Love, and we love the Earth (The Earth)
[Ariana Grande]
Oh, yeah, baby, I love the Earth
I love this planet
Hey, Russia, we’re cool
Hey, Asia, all of you, c’mon
Every one of you from the plains to the Sahara
Let’s come together and live
We love you, we love you
C’mon everybody, I know we’re not all the same
But we’re living on the same Earth
[Ariana Grande]
Have you ever been to Earth?
[Lil Dicky]
Everyone who is listening has been to Earth, Ariana
We’re not making music for aliens here
[Justin Bieber]
Are we gonna die?
[Lil Dicky]
You know what, Bieber? We might die
I’m not going to lie to you
I mean there’s so many people out here who don’t believe global warming is a real thing
You know? We gotta save this planet, we’re being stupid
[Ariana Grande]
Unless we get our s— together now…