MUZOTAKTMUZYKANowy singielAdele znika ze sceny na 10 lat! Czemu?

Adele znika ze sceny na 10 lat! Czemu?

REKLAMAPłyty muzyczne - zobacz na Ceneo

Jeśli ktoś nie zobaczy Adele podczas obecnego tournée, może mu się to nie udać przez wiele, wiele lat.

Angielka zapowiada, iż po zakończeniu obecnej trasy zrobi sobie dłuższą przerwę od koncertowania. Chodzi nawet o 10 lat!


Artystka chce bowiem jak najwięcej czasu spędzać z synem, a ponieważ Angelo wkrótce zaczyna edukację, nie będzie mógł jeździć z mamą po świecie.

Przedstawiciele gwiazdy nie skomentowali na razie tych doniesień. Wokalistka do końca roku ma zaplanowane koncerty w Ameryce.

Materiały promocyjne partnera

Angelo urodził się 19 października 2012 roku.

Adele ma na koncie trzy albumy “19” (2008), “21” (2011) i “25” (2015). Jej płyty rozeszły się na świecie w nakładzie przekraczającym 100 milionów.

Za przebój “Skyfall” do tak samo zatytułowanego filmu o przygodach Jamesa Bonda wokalistka otrzymała Oscara, Złoty Glob i Grammy.


Tekst piosenki
Adele – When We Were Young

Everybody loves the things you do
From the way you talk
To the way you move
Everybody here is watching you
Cause you feel like home
You’re like a dream come true
But if by chance you’re here alone
Can I have a moment
Before I go?
Cause I’ve been by myself all night long
Hoping you’re someone I used to know

Przeczytaj także:  Adele odwołała finałowe koncerty. Gwiazda ma problemy z głosem!

You look like a movie
You sound like a song
My God, this reminds me
Of when we were young

Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old
It made us restless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song

I was so scared to face my fears
Cause nobody told me that you’d be here
“And I swear you moved overseas”
That’s what you said, when you left me

You still look like a movie
You still sound like a song
My God, this reminds me
Of when we were young

Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old
It made us restless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song

Przeczytaj także:  Ed Sheeran bogatszy od Adele

(When we were young) /4x

It’s hard to admit that
Everything just takes me back
To when you were there
To when you were there
And a part of me keeps holding on
Just in case it hasn’t gone
I guess I still care
Do you still care?

It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
My God, this reminds me
Of when we were young

(When we were young) /4x

Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old
It made us restless
I’m so mad I’m getting old
It makes me reckless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
When we were young


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