Wielkimi krokami zbliża się premiera albumu Bars And Melody – „Generation Z”. Już teraz szczegóły na MUZOTAKT.pl
Bars and Melody to zespół tworzący muzykę łączącą gatunki hip hop, rnb i pop. Grupę tworzą Leondre Devries i Charlie Lenehan.
Zaistnieli oni dzięki udziałowi w brytyjskim „Mam Talent” po wciśnięciu złotego przycisku przez Simona Cowella.
Po ogromnym sukcesie zdobytym w programie nastolatkowie wydali debiutancki album zatytułowany „143”, który ukazał się w 2015 roku i zdobył tytuł platynowej płyty.
W tym czasie Bars And Melody (w skrócie B.A.M.) stali się ikoną młodzieżowego stylu i największymi gwiazdami nastolatków na całym świecie.
Najnowszy album Bars and Melody zawierający 13 utworów, w tym hity takie jak: Live your life, Faded, I won’t let you go, This is not a love song”.
Oto lista piosenek:
1. Allergic To The Sun
2. I Want You
3. Thousand Years
4. Apologise
5. Faded
6. Live Your Life
7. Serious
8. Scream
9. Not A Love Song
10. Fast Car
11. Unconditional
12. I Won’t Let You Go
13. Discover
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Tekst piosenki
Bars and Melody – Live Your Life
Live Your Life”
Now let me start from the beginning
Or maybe the end
Because back with you might understand
From the way that I see it
Can you say it ain’t beautiful
If it’s something you witnessed
Designing your perception after every experience
Can you see the light at the end of the road
Cause when your living in the dark
It’s hard to be bold
The stories are told the legends of old
Once upon a time when they giving me hope
You and me we both know, that we need time to grow and now we need to show
That if we set it free what’s meant to be will be all things need space to breathe
Just live your life
Just live your life
Just live your life
So go ahead and keep your head up
Don’t let nobody take away your smile
No compromise
Just go ahead and keep your head up
You know that you can set the world on fire
Just live your life
I’m like a drop in the ocean or a wave with some motion
Its hard to carry on when your filled with emotion
Fighting the tide break the current
I won’t be going under, we’ll be drowning tonight
I can’t hide the moon, I can’t part the seas
But I can break the hold, that they have on me
What is my fate, how long do I wait
To figure out if I’m another brick in a crate
You and me we both know, that we need time to grow and now we need to show
That if we set it free what’s meant to be will be all things need space to breathe
Just live your life
Just live your life
Just live your life
So go ahead and keep your head up
Don’t let nobody take away your smile
No compromise
Just go ahead and keep your head up
You know that you can set the world on fire
Just live your life
Let’s go
Just live your life
So go ahead and keep your head up
Don’t let nobody take away your smile
No compromise
Just go ahead and keep your head up
You know that you can set the world on fire
Just live your life
So go ahead and keep your head up
Don’t let nobody take away your smile
No compromise
Just go ahead and keep your head up
You know that you can set the world on fire
(Set the world on fire)